Search Results

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Welcome to our Canadian search engine. This is a relatively small Canadian search engine index comprising some 57974 pages. If you want a full and complete search, then use the Google form above to search for anything on the internet. This Canadian search engine was deployed to search the Canadian Directory pages at our site because the search engine that came with the directory software wasn't very effective. The Canadian Directory comprises the Canadian component of the DMOZ directory. The DMOZ directory is not currently being maintained however many of the websites listed in the directory are still active on the internet. Some links have expired but the vast majority are still active so I feel its worth keeping this search engine operational for the time being. This search engine is for those people who might find some utility using a directory and the DMOZ directory was very effective in its day.

Search Results
Your search for Estrie found the following documents (of 57974 documents searched):
Displaying documents 61-68 of 68, with best matches first:

61. - Votre portail des spas nordiques au Québec - Spas scandinaves, spas finlanda vous offre tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur les spas nordiques au Québec. Vous y trouverez une liste complète des spas par région, des photos, des conseils pratiques et des liens utiles sur les spas scandinaves au Québec.
URL: - 14KB - 08 Mar 2014

62. Les Matins d'Antoine - Gîte a Sherbrooke dans la Région des Cantons-de-l'est

Pour un séjour dans la région de Sherbrooke, le gîte Les Matins d'Antoine est tout indiqué. Déjeuners santé savoureux, nos chambres coquettes, utiliser notre Spa extérieur.
URL: - 2KB - 11 Apr 2014

63. Canton de Melbourne

Site du Canton de Melbourne dans les Cantons de l'est, dans la province de Québec
URL: - 11KB - 18 Jun 2014

64. Best of the Eastern Townships

Best Restaurants, Lodging, Cultural, Sporting and Family Activities of the Picturesque Eastern Townships, Estrie and Cantons de l Est
URL: - 64KB - 20 Mar 2014

65. Welcome to Townshippers' Association

Townshippers' Association is a non-partisan, non-profit organization mandated to support the rights of English-speaking people in the historical Eastern Townships region of the Canadian province of Quebec.
URL: - 6KB - 24 Jun 2014

66. Village de Frelighsburg : carte du village

Venez vous promener dans un des dix plus beaux villages du Québec situé dans les Cantons-de-l’Est. La pomme est son industrie principale et sa vie culturelle, riche d’activités saisonnières, culmine avec son Festiv’Art.
URL: - 4KB - 25 Jan 2014

67. Cabane à sucre | Erabliere La Goudrelle | Rive-Sud | sirop érable | Sucrerie | Réceptions | Mont

La Goudrelle, cabane a sucre, Érabliere, estrie, Erabliere de la Montérégie offrant: repas traditionnel de cabane à sucre, sirop d’erable, ballade en traîneau, randonnée en sentier pédestre, danse en ligne, activités scolaires réceptions et mariages,location de salles pour entreprise." lang "fr" xml:lang "fr
URL: - 8KB - 26 Jun 2014

68. Camping Lac Magog

camping lac magog
URL: - 3KB - 30 Oct 2006

Documents 61-68 of 68 displayed.

Results Pages: << Previous | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Search Tip: If you get many seemingly unrelated results, try changing the match selector from any to all. This will force the search engine to search for ALL your search terms rather than ANY of them and consequently you will get fewer results that closely match your search words.

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Toronto Skyline, Ontario, Canada, CA Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, CA University College, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, CA