Directory of Canada

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Welcome to our Canadian Directory service. This directory is derived from the Canadian component of the DMOZ directory. The DMOZ Directory project was the largest human edited directory on the planet. The DMOZ directory project is not currently being actively maintained however there is an active archive site. Even though the sites listed in the directory are not being updated, I still believe the archive has utility and many of the listed sites are still active on the net. I believe it is unfortunate that they stopped actively maintaining the project as I think it was an excellent world wide directory of websites.

Top : Newfoundland and Labrador : Arts and Entertainment
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Architecture (3)
Libraries (1)
Music (18)


  • Another Newfoundland Drama Company - Schedule of summer activities for a theatrical group based in Grand Falls - Windsor, featuring dinner theatre and lunchtime shows. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • Arts and Culture Centre - Information on upcoming events for Gander, Corner Brook, St. John's, Stephenville, Grand Falls-Windsor and Labrador West. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador - A not-for-profit organization promoting the crafts of Newfoundland and Labrador. Provides a gallery, studio guide, magazine and general information about the council and its activities. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • Dominic Dicks - Artist showcasing his original Newfoundland art in his online gallery. Includes a brief profile of the artist. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland - Descriptions and histories of registered heritage structures with images where available. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • Mike Turner - Artist whose online gallery features drawings and paintings. Offers limited edition prints, original art work, fine art prints, acting resume and demo clip. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • Nickel Independent Film Festival - An independent film and video festival that was created by filmmakers for filmmakers. Includes submission rules, photos and a history of the festival and the Nickel Theatre. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • Pam Hall - An interdisciplinary visual artist, filmmaker, writer, and teacher. Includes her biography, CV and online gallery. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • Resource Centre for the Arts - Artist-run organization dedicated to the development, promotion and presentation of indigenous Newfoundland art and artists. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )
  • The Rooms - Unites the Provincial Museum, the Provincial Art Gallery and the Provincial Archives under one roof. Collects and displays visual art produced in the province or expresses its culture. Includes information about special exhibitions and events. (Added: 24-Feb-2011 Hits: )


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The largest human-edited directory.
Open Directory Project

Toronto Skyline, Ontario, Canada, CA Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, CA University College, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, CA